Thursday, April 7, 2016

Arrow: Another One Bites the Dust

So, I guess being Black Canary is basically like being the Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher.  Once you get the position, your days are numbered.

Maybe someone refused the job to Lord Voldemort.

Oh, I'm sorry.  Did you want me to be sad?  Allow me to take you on a brief emotional journey, which will sum up all the reasons I am TOTALLY NOT SAD.

Recall, if you will, how Laurel has basically been a non-entity all season.  She's been a walking, talking prop.  A plot device to drive Captain Lance into making poor life choices.  THAT'S IT.  Laurel has been BOOOOORING.  I'm pretty sure the only time I found her worth mentioning was when I was complaining that she probably needed to start eating more and lifting weights. 

 Such a breakable little person...

*I'm going to pause in my rant to mention that I do not blame the plot arc on the actress.  It's not Katie Cassidy's fault that the writers turned her into a pile of tasteless mush.*

And then--THEN--Olicity went bust.  And ALL OF A SUDDEN Laurel starts acting like a person again.  "Oh, Oliver, I'm here for you."  "Oh, Oliver, I just want you to be happy."  "Oh, Oliver, let me caress your bicep while I try to comfort you about your break-up."


It was enough to make me slam my head on the table.  I found myself growling at the screen that they better not be going where I thought they were going.  I was about ready to spit nails when Oliver pulled that picture out of his pocket and said that Laurel was his home.

 Put that shit away, Oliver.

So, imagine my joy when I found out I was wrong!  They're not setting things up for Laurel to be the new woman!  They're trying to elicit some sort of emotional response when she dies!  OH THE RELIEF!

So I can't be sad.  I'm too busy doing a little happy dance that they're not pulling yet ANOTHER stupid romantic about face.

The most disappointing way to start a love story, EVER.
I love you.
Oh, it was a fake out.
No, no, I love you, and I mean it this time.

That being said, I do kind of wonder about who the next Black Canary will be.  Let's see.  The qualifications appear to be that you've dated Oliver before, and can pass as a blonde.  Hmmm... I wonder...

*whistles innocently*

Also, I want to take a moment to give tribute to my one spark of sadness.  Paul Blackthorne legitimately made me grieve with Captain Lance.  Boring or not, Quentin losing his daughter made me feel something.  Good for you, Paul.

A father in mourning.

So, yeah.  I'm ready for this move.  And I'm glad it probably means Mama Smoak is safe!  My sincere regrets to Katie Cassidy, but Laurel Lance had run her course.  Time for her to serve as a plot device one more time. 
Let's get some revenge up in here!


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