Thursday, March 31, 2016


So, I'm having a problem with Flash.  I am actually interested enough in the episodes that I don't WANT to do a play-by-play.  I suppose that's a good problem to have?  But still, it leaves me in the tragic position of writing a review instead of a moment by moment commentary, so... hold on to your hats.

 "We need some math up on the board!"
"Does it have to make sense?"
"Nah.  Just start writing symbols until it looks cool."

I'm disappointed with this week's Flash--not cause it was bad--but because I think they're starting to take on the cavalier attitude that Legends of Tomorrow has with time.  Like, the idea that making a major change to Eobard Thawn's knowledge back in season one wouldn't cause him to behave differently somehow, or that the certain proof that he learns to time travel wouldn't have Barry learning earlier, or in a different way, or that having boy genius survive and become one of team Flash's besties wouldn't have changed a whole series of events in a myriad of ways.  It's like they don't believe in the ripple effect.  One change = one change and nothing else is different.  Which is silly.  I mean, not only is it just logically silly, but it also is contrary to what they have already shown on the show.  Every other time Barry has traveled in time he's affected the time-line significantly.  So, the practical time travel ramifications bug me, but also I'm just frowning over the lack of consistency.

No, Barry!  That's a BAD BARRY!

That being said, I'm really pleased by the appearance of the time wraith.  The problem with shows like LOT is that if you have a single specific goal, and all of time to achieve it, and a slapdash attitude about just how much even tiny changes can affect the time line, then you end up with a hideously difficult plot hole.  I was kind of afraid that Flash was headed for that same issue.  If Barry can time travel whenever he wants then there's always a reset button.  The time wraith is sort of a stop gap for that.  They're dangerous, those wraiths, and that impacts Barry in a way that--apparently--the possibility of killing all of his friends with an ill-judged alteration in time does not.  I'm hoping that the reality of the wraiths keeps him out of the time line for a good long while.

 The rarely witnessed Jessica Approved Plot Device.

I'm also happy with the return of boy genius.  (No, I don't remember his name and no, I have no intention of looking it up.  Instead I plan to call him Baby Face, until such time as he has made enough return appearances that his name sticks in my mind.)  I like the fact that he's got a shot at redemption, and I like the fact that he's making it count.  Plus, he's totes adorbs, and that always makes me happy.

 All I'm saying is, Cisco could be bi...

And I'm really touched by the fact that Barry recorded Eddie for Iris.  That was just super sweet.  

But my favorite thing about this episode was sort of a minor point--for the moment, anyway.  When Jessie Quick got on that bus and left Central City, I thought she was out of the plot for a while.  I though they were doing away with her in an expedient fashion.  I thought Wells was going to respect her wishes, and not look for her, because--over and over again in shows like this--that's what we see happen.  I mean, take a look at Buffy, amiright?

But instead in this episode we see Wells ignoring all convention and doing exactly what a real parent would do.  Searching high and low for his daughter.  I mean, Barry is going to potentially erase history, and Wells is like "well, you shouldn't, but I'm too busy doing what really matters to me, so heck off." 

I love you, Harrison Wells.  I mean, you're scary AF sometimes, but I truly do adore you.

Because any monomaniacal genius can father a child
but it takes commitment to be a dad.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016



Why?  Well... because while I was watching the Flash crossover episode--

--What?  I was gonna watch it, I wasn't gonna write about it--

--Cat Grant, my blessed and beloved complex character in a world of simpletons, came out with a line that spoke straight to my soul.  I believe it was a gift given by the writers, balm for my worn and cynical heart, and this paragon of scripting has opened my mind and allowed me to hope again.

"All four of you standing there, doing nothing?  You look like the attractive, yet non-threatening, racially diverse cast of a CW show."

 Oh, it's true.  It's true.


So, because of this glory, and also because this Flash episode has been totes adorbs so far, we're gonna put SG on probationary status.  You hear that, writers?  I'm giving you a chance, based on the strength of one good line and a charming guest star.  That's a pretty big olive branch I'm extending.  Now all you gotta do is not suck completely.

Don't fuck it up.


Or, better yet, break out into song.  I KNOW YOU WANT TO, YOU GLEE ALUMS!

Okay... the best thing about having Grant Gustin on this show is how he shows me that the best actors can make even the most lackluster lines charming.  Someone needs to give that man more credit.  He's brilliant.

Lucy, you officially just became a real girl.  Way to be a sensible, honest adult.  I'm so proud of you.

OH GOODIE!!! Maybe this is the episode where Supergirl suffers for her boneheaded lack of tactical planning, and learns a valuable lesson.  Let's find out.


I gotta say, the hardest part of all these superhero shows is deciding what my Halloween costume is going to be this year.  There are so many good options to choose from.


Really?  Banshee is super strong, too?  Cause, I didn't think that was part of her powers.  But she sure did send SG flying, didn't she?

Hey!!! I think that's a new suit.  Wasn't he wearing a one piece before?  And now it's separates?  I only noticed, because they appear to have fixed that saggy butt problem they were having with the unitard.

Behold, no sag.

Let's just get a close-up.
For, ummm... Reasons.

That kiss felt... so oddly out of character.  Like, the girl scout just tried to go all vixen, and it made me feel squoogy.  And not in a good way.  I am full of disconcert.


 Not cool, man.  Not cool.

I mean, think about it.  Kara and James couldn't be the ONLY people in the city on the verge of doing the deed, could they?

Alright, SG.  Your probation is extended to next episode.  Keep working hard, and we'll get you back on track.  You know I believe in you.  I want you to succeed.  Maybe all you needed was a little tough love. 

We'll see you next week. 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Arrow: All the Feels

Wow, crazy psycho lady can sing.

 You give love a bad name.

You know, if they really want the reveal of the returning villain's face to have impact, they shouldn't tease her in the "previously on Arrow" section.

Dude.  Felicity.  Your manic need to organize is clearly a cover for things you need to say.  Why not just let it all out now, so that you don't drive those poor movers crazy?

 I make the same face whenever I insert my foot in my mouth.

This scene is actually filling me with sadness. 
A lot of sadness.
Stop it, Arrow, I don't wanna be sad.

AHAHAHAH!!! That tunnel has little oil lamps in it, that somehow still have perfectly flammable oil in them, despite the fact that it's been hidden away for--presumably--a very long time.  Now THAT'S some practical magic right there.

Ten bucks says someone picks up that stone thing and everything around them 
starts turning to lava and they have to be saved by a magic flying carpet.

That awkward moment when you have to tell all your friends that you've broken up.  Too real.

Ouch.  OUCH!  So many pointed references to the futility of love.  OWWWWWWW!!!! STOP PRODDING ME IN MY TENDER PLACES, DAMNIT.

So, yeah, obviously we all see where this is going, right?  Oliver and Felicity are going to be one of her high profile couples.  And there will come a moment when they'll look at each other--hearts in their eyes--and confess that, whatever their other issues, they love each other deeply.


 We all love your hair, though.  It's scarlet perfection.

Lolz.  Felicity, I love you.  Keep being bitter.  You ain't gotta be happy just cause other people are freaking out.

Okay, they're trying real hard, but there is no way to make that generic factory that they use for everything look like a wedding dress retailer if they keep shooting it at this angle.

 "What should we do with the racks?"
"I dunno.  Just kinda push them around.  That seems like a 
sensible way to store things in a warehouse."
"Looks a little bare."
"That's okay, we can hang some sides of beef off in the corner to fill up the space."

AHAHAHAHAAH!!!!  This is like... the plots that Beth and I used to come up with in our preteen years, back when we were old enough to like romance but still young enough to play pretend. 
"So, what if the bad guy is killing couples?"
"Yeah!  But, like, married couples."
"Oh, yeah, so then they HAVE to get married, like, as bait."
"Yeah!  But then they'll totally kiss at the wedding."

Owwwwwwwwwww... I object to all these feels.  

Sure, you've got the men and guns, but he's got the rugged good looks, and the show is named after him.  I'm thinking Oliver is gonna be okay.

Oliver.  You have earpieces.  Why are you hiding your mic in your cuff when lifting your cuff to your mouth is such a dead giveaway?

Felicity's hair is on point.  I need to learn how to do those kinds of rolls.

So, (a) Oliver is holding that arrow in a super weird way and (b) Felicity isn't crying, so I'm thinking he caught it and only pretended to let it shoot him.

Oh.  Kevlar.  That makes sense, too.

"Now we have guns, too."  
I like her.


Yes, yes, Damien Dark, so scarey... WHO THE FUCK CARES!!!!  OLLICITY IS BROKEN!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Flash: Do All The Things

You know, I think I'm gonna change my OK Cupid profile to say "currently looking to date Earth 2 version of Harrison Wells."  Because I love that man. 

 "Nothing in life is promised except death."
"Edgar Allen Poe?"
"Kanye West."

We could live together in a house near his super-collider, and keep Cisco as our house boy...

I could teach Wells to let go--to give his daughter a little more freedom.  To trust her more, so that their bond would stay strong.

At some point, we would take Cisco dancing, just to be able to watch that glory.  OMG.

 I could watch this on loop forever.

And we would lock Iris and Barry in our attic and refuse to let them out until they finally GOT ON WITH IT ALREADY.  DAMN.

Seriously, Jessie?  You've had a father for what, 18 years now?  You don't know that he would kill to keep you safe?  What the fuck, are you the most oblivious child on the planet?  OF COURSE HE WOULD. 

IRIS... YOU JUST ASKED YOUR BOSS OUT.  And you didn't even notice.  You asked him out BY ACCIDENT.

I love you, Harrison, in all your magnificent flawed perfection.

So don't be like me.  Be better.

Cisco, the crazy ones all name themselves because they share a common thread with your DNA.  Ruminate on that next time you think about exploring your Vibe powers.

Oh, Iris.  Now you've hurt his feelings.  And that man does not deserve to have his feelings hurt.  He is a journalist with an actual sense of integrity and ethics.  There's not that many of them around.


He will do all the terrible things.  Literally all of of them--if he has to--because you are his daughter.  Good grief, child do you not understand the concept of being a parent?  Harrison Wells will set the world on fire and watch it burn if it means your safety and well being.  Get over it. 

Awwwww, I am torn between being happy that Iris's lovely, ethical boss is gonna get some of that, and being disappointed that we have yet ANOTHER road block to Iris and Barry finally GETTING ON WITH THINGS, FOR FUCKS SAKE.

 Gotta say, though.  That is one handsome plot device.

Wow.  Barry.  Wow.  Way to keep racking up the evil mentors.

You know, let's just assume the following from now on:  some random person shows up and tries to help Barry, he is actually somehow the bad guy in disguise.  The only ones you can trust are the ones who come kicking and screaming.  Voluntary assistance is the sure sign of evil.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

"Gods of Egypt" Can Bite Me.

Look, folks, I like a good, nonsensical action movie as much as the next squealing nerd woman.  Give me an inaccurate tie-in to a well known mythology, a few guys with rippling abs, and some really kick ass special effects and I am THERE, MAN.  I don't really care if the plot is sub-par, because I am planning on turning my brain into the OFF position for the next two hours, and reveling in sheer, over-the top-bliss.

That being said, I'm not going to see Gods of Egypt.  And I hope you'll indulge me while I tell you why.

This, right here, is a picture of a random sampling of the Egyptian population:

Lovely people, right?

Let's see.  Dark hair, ranges of dark skin... Was it what you expected?  No?  Well, maybe that's because in our country, we apparently think Egyptians look like THIS:

For fucks sake, y'all.

Let's see.  Now, I'm no racial expert, but these people look white to me.  White, white, white, white, WHITE.  They look like their great-great-grandparents probably came from a part of the world that currently uses the Euro as valid currency.  I mean, damn, homeboy on the right is actually blonde. 


So I'm not going to see this movie.  Not because it sucks, or because it mangled the mythology, but because they whitewashed the cast in a way that is so egregious that I simply can't overlook it.

Let's all go see Zootopia instead, shall we?  I hear they let the foxes be red and the bunnies be white.  That's the kind of movie I'm down for.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Legends of Tomorrow: Laying the Smackdown on the Fifties

I have a dream.  A dream that, one by one, Kendra will hook up with each and every one of the Legends.  Please make this happen.  Please.

Hot rods, underage drinking, and a tragic accident.
Wow.  The cliches are real in this one.

Okay, look... I really, really appreciate TV shows trying to be a little less racist.  That being said, this is small town America in the 1950's, and you sent in an INTERRACIAL COUPLE for a little undercover work?  Why not just wrap them in neon and let 'em walk naked down the street?

Of course, that was a pretty sweet smack down by Kendra.  Never mind, writers, carry on.


AHAHAHAAH!!! Leer at her again, skeezeball.  Then we can all chortle with glee while Sara knocks your teeth out.

I'm gonna go ahead and retract my comment above.  I think they're purposefully setting up ways to highlight the cultural differences of the 50's.  Which is actually sort of interesting.  
So... my bad.

 Dear Costume Room, Will you marry me?

Holy shit, his American accent isn't bad.  I mean, it's not good.  But it's not bad.

Whoa, Peggy Sue there either has a serious rebellious streak or, like, the most progressive parents ever to roam the streets of small town America in the mid-twentieth century.  Given her drag racing and drinking proclivities, I'm gonna assume the former.

We could elope to Scotland, where a woman and a costume room can marry 
without the need for all the tedious formalities...

I had about 20 seconds of hope that Sara was gonna get some in the elevator, and then actual plot interrupted.  Damnit, plot.  Why you gotta ruin her game like that?

HOLY SHIT VANDAL SAVAGE IS HOLDING TUNA SURPRISE.  Like, the whole "omg, he's actually your neighbor" thing is not a big deal.  But the fucking tuna surprise?  That's a real shocker.  I'm having a hard time believing it.  Immortal, mass-murdering bad guy... holding a tuna surprise.

And now... Ray is eating the tuna surprise.  Apparently the entire thing.  Alone.  Y'all, I don't want to ruin my street cred, but... I think I love this episode.

...we could buy a little cottage in a place where silhouettes only have to be vaguely 
period appropriate to be deemed "good enough", 
and extreme decolletage can be strong-armed 
into any era... 

 WOW, Stein.  Wow.  That is NOT what we call being a team player.  Team players want EVERYONE to get nookie.  Team players find you an empty broom closet, and another handle of hooch.  Team players can be COUNTED ON, to get a lady laid.

Dude, do you think Vandal Savage has spent centuries finding Kendra before she remembers the past, and trying to tap that?

 ...your dreams would be my dreams, and your dreams, clearly, 
encompass a time when all lapel widths are the same, 
and skinny ties exist in every decade...

Oh, Sara!  Way harsh!!!  You've been totally giving that nurse CFM eyes for two days, and now she makes a move and you shoot her down.  Sadness.  At least explain that it's because you're gonna fly away and leave her, not because she misread the cues.  Misreading the cues is hard on the ego.  

Oh look, a cop not trusting a kid because of the color of his skin.  How quaint and old-fashio--

...a time where a trilby and a fedora are the same thing, and where every 
trench coat is accepted as period equivalent to every 
other trench coat...

Whoa, there, Ray.  Don't forget, she's got to get close to him either way.  Remember, only she can make with the stabby-stabby to any great effect.  Why suddenly get over protective and all caveman like?  Is the air of the 50's wearing off on you?

ACK-shully, I am super intrigued to find out what happens to Firestorm when Jefferson becomes a flying monkey.  Aren't you?  I mean, imagine the possibilities.  

...a time where the best and most gravity-defying undergarments will be available, 
completely free of that conical nonsense that one might be expecting.

Okay, seriously?  If they can infiltrate THAT MANY people in the asylum in the first place, why bother infiltrating it at all?  Just walk casually in the front door, cause clearly NO ONE who works there is paying attention to anything other than hot nurse on nurse action.

It's kinda nice to see at least one character who isn't a dumbass.  Even if that character is the bad guy.  

A time, in short, where a hint of a bare midriff is always acceptable.

LOL.  They're totally prepared to hunt down Vandal Savage, arguably the most dangerous man who ever lived, but one bounty hunter... man, that's just too much.

Until next we meet, my darling costume room, 
I shall remember you--and these shoes--with the most heartfelt fondness.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Legends of Tomorrow: Too Serious For Numbers

They should have made Rip's wife a redhead.
Named Amelia.
Just saying.

Wow, Captain Hunter is on the bridge in his shirt sleeves.  Shit must be bad.  Add that to the unkempt hair and the vague wildness of expression, and I'd say we're at level 7.

In case you're unfamiliar with the more accurate and detailed pain scale from Hyperbole And A Half, I offer it to you now, for reference:

Oh, he's got his coat on and his hair fixed.  He must be feeling better.  Back down to level 3.

Why do you always separate Jefferson and Stein?  I mean, I get that together they make a being of awesome power who would make your plot structures more difficult to work out, but I still think it's just a mind numbingly stupid thing to do--to constantly separate two halves of a bad-ass whole.  Why not work a little harder on the plot, thus allowing your characters to not appear like complete jackasses who consistently make the same mistake over and over?

Question: why make out in the hallway if you're gonna get raked over the coals if you're caught?  Like, why not find a janitor's closet, or something?

Preach, Kendra!!!

Can I get an AMEN for Picard being hotter than Kirk?

I gotta say, this episode is pretty exciting.  I mean, not that I actually believe any of them are in real danger.  But in the general sense that there is much action, and I'm not sure how they're going to resolve it, it passes muster.  And Gideon's snark with Ray is fantastic.   

If this show never did anything but reference Star Trek, Star Wars, and Doctor Who, I would be pretty happy.

Space Ranger Stein is my hero.

Question: why doesn't Ray fly back in for a minute and replenish his oxygen?  Just for shits and giggles?  Is there some physical limitation that keeps him from practicing safe spacewalking procedure?  Or are we just doing stupid things for no reason again?

Mick... I am so sad right now.  This is, like, level 6.

That was the most awkward love story I have ever seen.  Ever.  In the history of television, I have never seen a more awkward love story.  Please bear in mind, I am including Caitlin Snow and Dopple Jay in that assessment.  

 Level 10.

On the plus side, I have to admit, I find Kendra and Ray totes adorbs.  Yes, she just lost her soul mate, yadda yadda yadda, but c'mon.  I didn't like that guy.  He was a ginormous ass, and kinda rapey, too.  Ray is sweet and kind and wicked smart, not to mention he has abs for days.  And Kendra deserves to go get her some.  I give this a 9/10 on the scale of things I am okay with.

 Get your Hawk Goddess groove back.

I am finding the end of the Snart-Rory bromance to be really sad.  You better have a good reason for this, writers.  If Lenny legitimately just killed his oldest friend, then I have gone all the way to the end of the chart.

Too serious for numbers.

Legends of Tomorrow: Attack of the Killer Beard

Oh, you thought I had forgotten Legends, didn't you?  But you were wrong.  I was merely spending all my time on completing the first draft of my latest novel.  Anyway, I might give up on that other show featuring she who must not be named, but you know I will always be here for Snart.

Don't be sad, Lenny.  You're my favorite.

Y'all, I ain't gonna lie.  Basically I spend most of every episode hoping that this will somehow morph into a random Doctor Who Crossover.  Especially when they say shit like:
"We're crash landing in time... and... space."
Leonard Snart aside, I think we'd ALL be happier if that magically occurred.  The best part is, since time is so wibbly-wobbly to begin with, we could have DAVID TENNANT BACK!

That... got away from you a bit, didn't it?

Seriously?  This is 30 years from your time.  You think Oliver hasn't gotten himself shot by now?  I mean really, what are the odds of that man making it to 2046?

Pardon?  Excuse moi?  I believe, in point of fact, it DOES matter if it takes you "down the road or through time."  I imagine that particular engine has parts you don't even have NAMES FOR.  I find the idea that you can repair it HIGHLY unlikely.  And, given the fact that this is a show about reincarnating, body-melding, zombie-fied, time-traveling meta-humans, THAT'S REALLY SAYING A LOT.

Ooooooohhhh... Sara Lance done threaten to THO' DOWN ON YOU SON!  
Backing off.  Excellent option.  Well played.

 Do not anger the blonde killing machine.

Oh, Jefferson.  You are too young for her, man.  That's seriously NEVER gonna happen.

Plus, apparently she wants to play flirty-flirty kissy face with Richey McWhinerson (yes, that is Ray's new name.  Yes, he will keep it until he stops being such a damn noob) because you know, she didn't just have the earth shattering grief of having her soul mate die, or anything.

Holy balls, people, trying to get you to be sensible is like herding really pissy cats.  YOU ARE MUCKING ABOUT WITH TIME.  WANDERING OFF BECAUSE YOU HAVE A RANDOM WHIM FOR CHAOS IS A TERRIBLE IDEA!!!!

Really?  None of the motley gang of ruffians has a ranged weapon?  None of them?

Nah, it's cool, guys.
Don't, like, try to stop them.
There's no way you could huck a rock, or something.
 Just stand there and watch 'em go.
Good call.

Richey McWhinerson, I have a question.  Why can't you save the world AND hook up?

Although, seriously, all you dudes need to back the fuck up from the grieving widow.  This is getting a little creepy.

Yup.  Professor, you done fucked up.  Way to prompt Clueless McGoo (yes, that is Ray's OTHER name.  Yes, I will use them interchangeably at will) that he had a real live girl working beside him.

Damn right Leonard.  You are the boss of everybody.  Because you are the MAN.

 I reiterate.  The.  Man.

Let's go back to time for a minute.  Remember time?  I had those cute gifs up above with David Tennant?  Right, okay...
If the future is constantly in flux, then so is the past.  Confused?  You ought to be.  Because the way this fucking show talks about time travel doesn't make a damn bit of sense.  But, for simplicity's sake, let's just put it like this.  In a reality where time travel exists, one person's future is another person's past.  Which means, at any given point, you are simultaneously inhabiting both the past and the future.  They're the same thing.  And therefore, if the future is always in flux, so, too, must be the past.
Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... Stuff. 
So, anyway, what I'm saying is... Rip Hunter is full of shit, and the writers on this show need to think about their science a little bit more.  Or, at the very least, their logic.

Exemplary Timing.

Sara Lance is having a real issue with the whole "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" angle to the future.  I don't think the League accepts complete dumbasses into their ranks, so I'm a little confused at to why she isn't on board for immediately going back to 2016 and making sure this shit never happens in the first place.

The fact that Jefferson and the Professor can't keep secrets from each other is pretty awesome, actually.  I really hope they don't forget all about that little dynamic once this episode is over.

Oh, Rip.  Oh, Rip.  Telling them they don't understand the dangers of meddling with the timeline?  That's like the pot calling the kettle black.  Also, I love how you're like "meddling with the future is arguably more dangerous than changing the past" given that, in point of fact, ALL OF THIS IS YOUR PAST.  DID YOU FORGET THAT YOU'RE FROM THE FUTURE?

 I have made a simple graphic, to illustrate the point.

NOOOOO!!!!  Boys, don't fight!!! You're the dream team!!!  You're my favorite criminal duo!!!  C'mon, kiss and make up.

Damnit, Sara.  Just ONCE I would like someone to do something practical, effective, and sane instead of acting like an altruistic idiot.  Altruism is great in the general sense, but when you can accomplish the same damn thing with a less desperate gambit?  I am so confused by your lack of rational decision making.

Oliver, one arm does not compromise anywhere NEAR half your body mass.  I think you might be confused about what "literally" means.

Guys.  Guys.  That beard is KILLING me.

 Killing me.


There it goes.  The plane holding your nookie hopes and dreams.  Crashing and burning.

HAH!  Okay, Ray, you have officially earned your name back, by not being oblivious for once.  I hope this shared experience with Jefferson leads to a deeper friendship between the two of you.

And, by "deeper friendship" I mean "NOW KISS."

Gideon, that observation was on point.  Way to give credit where it's due.