Thursday, March 17, 2016

"Gods of Egypt" Can Bite Me.

Look, folks, I like a good, nonsensical action movie as much as the next squealing nerd woman.  Give me an inaccurate tie-in to a well known mythology, a few guys with rippling abs, and some really kick ass special effects and I am THERE, MAN.  I don't really care if the plot is sub-par, because I am planning on turning my brain into the OFF position for the next two hours, and reveling in sheer, over-the top-bliss.

That being said, I'm not going to see Gods of Egypt.  And I hope you'll indulge me while I tell you why.

This, right here, is a picture of a random sampling of the Egyptian population:

Lovely people, right?

Let's see.  Dark hair, ranges of dark skin... Was it what you expected?  No?  Well, maybe that's because in our country, we apparently think Egyptians look like THIS:

For fucks sake, y'all.

Let's see.  Now, I'm no racial expert, but these people look white to me.  White, white, white, white, WHITE.  They look like their great-great-grandparents probably came from a part of the world that currently uses the Euro as valid currency.  I mean, damn, homeboy on the right is actually blonde. 


So I'm not going to see this movie.  Not because it sucks, or because it mangled the mythology, but because they whitewashed the cast in a way that is so egregious that I simply can't overlook it.

Let's all go see Zootopia instead, shall we?  I hear they let the foxes be red and the bunnies be white.  That's the kind of movie I'm down for.

1 comment:

  1. All the white people were the first thing I noticed about this trailer.
    The second thing is that it appears to star Solid Snake, who I had not been aware was an Egyptian god.
