Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How to Relieve Stress By Watching Arrow.

Oliver, I'm counting on you.  I really need some shirtless salmon ladders right now.

Permanently maiming a man via falling damage DOES NOT COUNT.

The actress who plays Felicity is roughly 200% better than everyone else on the show.  Her face alone... it's magical.  Here, some examples:

Guilt over the bombing.

Worry over Oliver's increasing violence.


ooooOOOOHHHHH... Felicity's new boyfriend is trying to help the Arrow.
That's gonna cut all the deeper when she leaves him to get back with Oliver.

Okay, okay, I predict that Susan Williams is going to be Oliver's new flame.  Because, of course, he can't just sit around and pine for Felicity.  They both have to have new people.  Then they can have a dramatic reconciliation.


Oh looooooook... a flaaaaaaashbaaaaaaack.

 Here, hold my beer and watch this.

It feels like there's a level of stupid here that I just can't countenance.  Like, you have a whole team, A WHOLE FREAKING TEAM, but for reasons that seem to basically boil down to "good old fashioned bro-itude" you're just going to take all those dudes on single-handedly?  I didn't realize lack of experience automatically meant bargain basement level intellect.  Of course, we would all understand this far better if the writers had bothered to really build the tension of Oliver never letting them off the leash.  But why on earth would they do that? 

I mean, why craft a good story when you can spend your time writing witty dial...
Er, I mean, spend your time showing some truly superb fight scene...
Uh... I guess... more time for the salmon ladder? 

I swear to god, I will forgive them all the shoddy writing if they will give me a solid five minutes on the salmon ladder at the end of this episode.

And there you go.  You just made a super villain.  I hope you're happy.

 "You think he'll come out more Joker?  Or Red Hood?"

Really?  He's just dead?  He fell into the ominous vat of drug laced liquid and he didn't morph into a super villain?  I'm... I don't know how to process this.  It goes against all expectations.

LOL.  Thea, that was stupid.  She is going to spin that so hard even an ice skater would get dizzy.  Let's see:  Mayor's Sister Hires Drunk Without His Approval.  Yup. Sounds about right.

Okay, in Arrow time we just had, what?  Half a day go by?  And in John time he literally just turned around in his cell.  It would be fascinating if this was intentional, like, if he's being held in a detention facility where time runs slower, but I'm betting they just didn't think through their cuts very well.

Ahem.  Dude.  If you're gonna say "autopsy commenced with a Y-incision" then you should really START WITH A Y-incision.

OH GOOD!  He is a freakishly altered super villain.  I was very worried for a few minutes there.  The whole universe felt off-kilter.

Curtis.  You are not normally this awkward.  WTF is going on with you, man?

Back to the prison of temporal anomalies, where a riveting game 
of "bait the secondary character" is going on!

I dunno about you, but the first thing I think when someone says "I don't hold grudges" is that they really, seriously, definitely hold some massive grudges.


 Oh, right.  ME.

Yes.  Thank you, Curtis!  Can we all join the sanity train, bound for "Keeping Secrets Never Works Outs-ville"?

I wonder if Lilah has to pass through a wormhole to get the prison where time doesn't pass?

"Okay, and then we're gonna explode the room behind you."
"So, you want me to run?"
"Nah.  I want you to strut."
"Like a model?"
"Like a mother-fucking badass."

Awww, how sweat.  He trusts everybody!!! 

Thea.  Just because Laurel is dead does NOT mean someone needs to assume the mantle of Miss Skinniest Legs in the World.  Please.  Please.  We would not accept any of the men as badass fighters if they didn't have the muscles to back it up.  COME ON LADIES, BEEF IT UP.

 My suspension of disbelief does not extend to skinny legs on a ninja assassin.

DAMN FELICITY!  You're not even gonna tell him to sit DOWN first?  Way to rip the band-aid off.

Ummm... okay, sexy bike mechanic is good, but it's not the salmon ladder.  Damnit, Arrow.  You've failed this woman.

But, you know... not completely.

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