Thursday, December 3, 2015

Arrow and Flash: I'm still not done talking about his sleeves.

Part two of the cross-over!!!!!  I'm all a flutter!!!

Oh, hey, before I get going, I found a promo pic from a few seasons ago, and I feel like I need to share it with the world.

You're welcome.

Now, on with the show!!!

I feel like there OUGHT to be a way for that dude to say "Khufu" without sounding silly, but as yet I have not found it.

OH MY GOD!  Now we're having flashbacks to ANCIENT EGYPT?  They should rename this show "Any stupid plot line for a flashback"

WOW!  That is a LOT of boob right there.  I mean, you go on with your bad self, Chayara, if you want to rock out with your tits out, who am I to say no?

 So much cleavage.

Oh that was terrible.  It was so terrible, it was hilarious.  "I love your tongue"?  A line like that requires a certain amount of finesse.  Which Hawkman does not--apparently--have.

Bad writers.  Don't you know your souls belong to DC?

I feel like this is the best set up for a superhero sleep over party EV-ARH.  Please let there be a pillow fight.  Please let there be a pillow fight.  Please let there be a pillow fight...

Oh, you know this is killing me to admit, but ever since they came back from the flashback there are so many amazing one liners I am hugging myself with glee.  I LOVE CROSSOVER EPISODES!  Half the drama, four times the camp!

Know what?  I think this may be the first time I've ever seen Felicity wear pants.  It's like she finally discovered practicality and comfort.  Amazing.

Awww... Check out Ollie being a reasonable person instead of just pretending everything is fine and stalking off to find his kid.  Way to adult, Ollie!  I'm rooting for you!

Sometimes I feel bad for Myra Queen.  Then sometimes I remember that she was basically a terrible person.

William had a red backpack with white polka-dots on it.  It's things like this that--more than anything else--make me adore this show.  No fan fare.  No one has to comment on it.  They just very gently push at traditional stereotypes by presenting things that aren't traditional as so normal it doesn't even bear commenting on.

Is... Is John Barrowman wearing leather pants?

Oh, Barry's time traveling again.  Exciting.  Possibly disastrous.  Should be a good time.

Leather pants or not, the man has a fine ass.

Grant Gustin on the other hand... I like him, and he's adorable, and he clearly works out.  But I don't know if that Flash costume is sagging in all the wrong places, or if he really does have the world's least exciting posterior.

Here, have a screen shot for comparison.

You know, if he's THAT worried about Thea, Malcolm could just stick around and HELP.  Damn.

Damn, Khufu.  Try to deliver a line without making me want to punch you in the face, k?

I would really like to see Chayara take full possession of her memories, and then choose to stay with Cisco.  Because Khufu is such a self assured prick.  "Oh, I know everything, and you should just do what I say, and we are eternal lovers."  Fuck you, dude.  I'm rooting for Cisco.

Got it?  Got it how?  Did you just put it down next to your laptop and use mystic energies to read the tape?  WHERE'S THE VCR?

AWWWWWW!  YOU HAS A BABY!!!  Well.  A 9 year old.  Same diff.

I like how the tiny blonde woman whose only superpower is her massive brain just bullied a genuine meta-human into revealing secret info.  Way to rock your power, Felicity.

This is an excellent scene.  Full of feels.  But I am completely distracted by the fact that the set dressing team apparently just put stacks of... what are those?  Tea cups and saucers?  On the table, and told her to treat them like dirty dishes. 

Seriously?  How many people live in this house?  And what were they eating?  I count three water glasses, three coffee cups, two saucers, three bowls, and a large (empty) serving bowl.  Oh, and one dirty plates.  Everything else is perfectly clean.  You shame us all, set dressing crew.

DAMNIT.  THIS IS STUPID.  YOU AND YOUR STUPID, STUPID PLOT DEVICES.  What woman on earth would literally expect him to tell NO ONE?  This is some old bullshit.

Aaaand now we continue on with the stupidity.  Because here is where he could say: I was planning on telling you as soon as I knew, one way or the other, but when I confronted the kid's mother she made me promise not to tell a soul, if I wanted to get to know him.  THAT'S why I lied to you just now.  Not because I wanted to.  But because I felt I owed it to her to respect her wishes.

Ollie, you lose all the adulting points I gave you earlier.  Minus 50 DKP.

Oh, it's kind of touching how he's having a hard time not crying in front of everyone.


Ahhhhh... well, that would be a good reason to change the time stream.  You know, it's kind of nice to know that Barry has a get out of jail free card any time a friend dies.  Nice, and also creepy and incredibly fraught with destructive potential.

Yup.  It's not the costume.  Sorry Grant.  This in no way affects my fondness for you, but your ass is just not prepossessing. 

Nooooooooo Cisco!  Don't give up!  Carter is an asshat!  Give the woman an option!  Fight Fate!


GODDAMNIT OLIVER, HAVEN'T YOU LEARNED ANYTHING?  What could happen there that's worse?  Uh, let's see... you could watch everyone ELSE die while you survive?  Or Savage could kill Felicity?  OR YOUR SON?  I mean, why you gotta keep tempting fate like that?

Oh, what a surprise.  They won.

I sincerely doubt he's actually gone for good.  I mean, first of all, he's a Class A Super Villain, and doing away with him in a convenient two-parter is silly.  Second, there's that whole Legends of Tomorrow thing.

Why IS she going with him?  I mean, I get that she's contracted to a Television show, but in terms of a woman's right to choose her partners, she ought to flip Khufu the bird and stay with Cisco. 

First step, hugging.  Next step, making out.  Now THAT'S a cross-over Episode we'd ALL tune in for.


Damnit.  Oliver.  Just tell her that it's someone else's secret, and they made you promise not to tell, but you'll tell her if you ever can.  It's not that fucking hard!  WHY ARE YOU PLOT DEVICING?

Malcolm, you are such a dumbass. 

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