Friday, May 27, 2016

Arrow: Face Palm

Oh, for fuck's sake.  You have got to be kidding me.

You guys, I am all for the idea that together we can achieve anything.  When we stand as one we can topple the colossus, for no one--no matter how mighty--can stand against a million hands that move as one. 

In case it's not clear, I LIKE stories about the combined masses taking down the corrupt overlord.

It's kind of my jam.

And I'm a big fan of powerful speeches.  Just ask my gaming friends.  One time, we played a game where we all role played each other.  My friend who played me took "speechify" as one of her powers.  I shit you not.  This is a thing I am KNOWN for.  I cheered in the theater when I watched Independence Day.  I am literally the last person on earth who would speak ill of an inspirational exhortation.


I feel the strong and compelling urge to slam my face into something hard.

That was the hokiest, most cobbled together, piss poor excuse for a group rally that I have ever seen.  You mean all Oliver needed all along was for Curtis to tell him he was special?  Seriously?  That's it?  And it granted him the magic power to calm a riot (in which most of the participants couldn't even hear him, since he didn't have a loudspeaker) and give a speech which inspired a whole city to--what--CLAP THEIR HANDS AND WISH DARK'S POWERS AWAY?

 You know, I was busy setting this car on fire, but I guess I could take a speech break.


And Team Arrow just, I dunno, see the light and pull it together?  Like magic?  The death of Laurel, of Thea's boy toy, the MOTHER-FUCKING NUKE THAT WENT OFF IN A SMALL AMERICAN TOWN, and John's execution of his own damn brother, none of those matter any more!  Cause Oliver made a speech!  So now we're all ready to fight instead of sitting down and crying!



This has pissed me off so much, I'm not even getting INTO the logical inconsistencies (like how come that first missile gets to Star City SO MUCH EARLIER than all the other missiles?)  I'm just sitting here gnashing my teeth over the show's sudden allegiance to the power of positive thinking.  I feel like I need to rend something.  Maybe if I think it hard enough, the script for the show will magically appear in my lap, and I can rend that.

I, for one, am glad Team Arrow left.  If the writers can't figure out how to manage that many characters without completely tanking the plot then they NEEDED to pare down.  I hope this means that next season will be able to be clear and focused, following some solid thematic lines. 

Sorry guys.  I like you.  But you gotta go.

Here's my bucket list for next season, in the hopes that the show will get it's shit together:

1) No more island.  I swear, if you whip out those damn flashbacks one more time I'm gonna stab someone.


2) Since they've gone and established Oliver's "schism", they should explore this idea in season five.  Felicity is obviously the Angel on his shoulder.  He needs a Devil, too.  I do NOT want it to be Malcolm Reynolds.  I think it would be great if they cast a woman in this role, but not as a romantic pairing.  Nissa might be a good choice.  Or Talia al Ghul, who does exist in this world (we saw her in LOT).  Ultimately, Oliver should realize that he has to trod a middle path.

 Concept art.
I know, my cut and paste skills are legendary.

3) Olicity needs to reconcile.  This should happen after a mini-arc, in which Felicity has to solve a problem with violence, and for some reason chooses to keep it from Oliver.  She needs to see where he's coming from, and once she understands she can forgive him.  Oliver, in turn, needs to start telling her fucking EVERYTHING.  No more secrets for Mr Queen.  Not until he can be trusted with them again.

4) Last but not least, for the love of god, someone please get Oliver some sleeves.  It's not that much to ask.  He looks silly.

Just admit it was a mistake, and we can all move on.

Anyway, I really hope the writers take their break to think about what they've done, and try to do better next time.  If not, I am afraid Arrow is going to have to join the other shows that I'm not writing about any more.  My momma said if I couldn't say anything nice I shouldn't say anything at all, and I'm afraid we're coming perilously close to that point.

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