Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Civil War, Part One: Why You Should Love This Movie.

The truth is, I'm not a demanding person when it comes to comic book flicks.  I like them to be entertaining.  How they choose to go about fulfilling that role is entirely up to them.  Lots of explosions and fight scenes?  Okay, cool.  In depth plot that really makes you pay attention?  That's cool, too.  Super pretty people being moderately charming and doing a lot of hand to hand combat with their shirts off?  Not gonna lie.  I can get behind that.

Sometimes, though, a movie comes up with something that is truly delightful, and in those rare occasions I like to tip my hat to that effort.  So, here in part one, I'm going to tell you why we should all love Captain America: Civil War.

1) Paul Bettany
Paul Bettany is literally the most charming mother-fucker on the planet.  Seriously.  If you're paying attention, you realize this means I have actually ranked him above David Tennant, which is like saying a Catholic has claimed someone is more holy than the Pope.  I know.  I can't believe I'm saying this, either.  But it's true.  I have proof:

Cover the man in red body paint and put him in a sweater vest... I don't care.  I will watch him do literally anything.

2) The Kiss Reaction
Now, this is not to be confused with the kiss itself.  The kiss itself was totally lame.  Cap and Lady Blonde Girl are very "meh."  Their whole relationship makes me feel like the studio thinks it's important that the audience be invested in Cap's virginity, whereas I do not give two shits about that.  Also, it bugs me that she waits for him to make a move.  Their dialog implies she's been waiting for him to kiss her a long time--why was she waiting?  Why didn't she just go for it?  It's complete nonsense.

 I would much rather have seen this kiss. 

HOWEVER... I am not talking about the kiss.  I am talking about the REACTION to the kiss.  And that was brilliant.  In fact, the whole dynamic between Bucky and Falcon was brilliant.  They should do a buddy cop movie, staring the two of them.  It would be amazing. 

3) The Airport Fight Scene

Yes.  The whole damn scene.  Everything about it.
Young Spidey, with his super ADHD attitude towards epic battles.
The (potentially) hung-over Ant Man, who is huge.  Literally.
And the totes adorbs fight between Natasha and Clint.  Damn I love their friendship.  I honestly wish this whole damn movie had been nothing but that fight scene.

Why?  Well.  Because this was Part One.  Next up?  Part Two.

Spoiler.  It's less positive.

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