Sunday, May 15, 2016

Arrow: Moving On

Okay.  Right.  Laurel's dead.  There's mourning, there's grief, everyone gets to learn a little bit about the weight of guilt that Ollie carries, and Felicity is maybe gonna rejoin the team.  Oliver outed Laurel as the Black Canary--which has got to be the dumbest move in the history of "keeping a secret identity"--and we're all suddenly on team "it's okay to kill a guy if he really deserves it."  Got it.


Moving on.

Dear Arrow Writers,  Do try to keep in mind that you have made Lilah the new director of Argus.  In such a circumstance, perhaps it is unwise to show her husband giving her a condescending little speech about her safety, and how he doesn't want her to go home while she's in danger.

Behold.  The dour countenance of a marginalized woman.

Try to remember that it would be acceptable for her to have some of her own agency, or even to have made this decision about her safety and the safety of her daughter all on her own without needing a big strong man to take care of her.
Me, on behalf of every woman in the world.

Of course, you did smash it out of the park with Felicity.  That scene with her and Oliver is brilliant.  Nice job.

And the cheerful face of a woman in charge of her own damn self.

Hey, John, question...  How come Lilah has to hole up in a moving truck to stay out of Andy's way, but you get to go off like a dumbass all by yourself, without even your armor?  See, this is why it would make more sense if she was being sensible all on her own, because then your reckless actions would look so much less hypocritical and insane.

 And here we have the face of a man about to make very bad decisions.

You know, I'm perpetually curious as to what kind of guns they're using on this show.  No one ever seems to need to reload, unless it's an important plot point or it will look badass.  I realize six-shooters are no longer standard, but still.  They do seem to be able to shoot a ridiculous number of times with no regard for ammo.

Dear make-up crew,
Morning after make-up should either be smudged (from sleeping in what you wore the night before) or so subtle that we can pretend she's not wearing any.  It should NOT look like Thea's face does at this moment.

Raise your hand if you pegged the fact that Fortuna was a woman the moment they showed up in formal wear!  I dunno why, something about the James Bond attire left me positive that it was gonna be a foxy lady.

And then we all rolled our eyes.

Soooo... I'm thinking Oliver can't pass this test.  But Felicity...  Now there's a lady who knows how to draw on the light.  Amiright?

Fan Art by C100D17


Childcare tip: When making an escape by motorcycle, wear the baby on your chest so that your Kevlar can protect you both.

Ollie, Ollie, Ollie.  Should have hit him with an explosive round.

Oh, please.  What utter bullshit.  Look, I know.  The show is called Arrow.  But you know what?  Just because the show is named after you doesn't mean you ALWAYS have to be the hero.  Take Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  Named for Buffy, the freaking vampire slayer.  And yet, there were times that other characters were the hero.  Even, as the seasons went on, times that other characters were the ones who ultimately saved the world from the Big Bad.  Willow, Xander, Giles, hell... even SPIKE got to be the ultimate savior once.  And the show was stronger because of it, because you knew that even while Buffy was the slayer, she had the rest of the scoobies and they were meeting as equals.

All badass, in their own way.

Oliver wasn't the right character to be the magical light to counteract Dark's darkness.  Felicity was.  And they should have just gone with it.  LET HER BE THE HERO.  Then she and Oliver can meet as equals, and the show (not to mention their currently-on-hiatus-but-destined-to-reignited love) will be stronger.

Felicity, I fucking love you.

"Andy said Genesis was coming."
"I don't think so.  Phil Collins said they'd never tour again."

OMMFG.  If you're going to get Biblical, can you PLEASE get it right?  The flood is the story of Noah.  Genesis is the story of the creation of the world.  And the ridiculous part is that this could have easily been fixed by either naming the protocol "Ark", or if they had just gone with the idea that Dark wants to create his own world out of nothing.  Either one works.  But instead you have done the biblical equivalent of this meme:

You know, I feel bad for Thea, but I gotta say... underground bio-dome.  Pretty cool.

Wow.  I just noticed.
It kinda looks not entirely unlike a giant glowing boob...

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