Saturday, May 14, 2016

Flash: Leeeeeeerooooooy JENKINS!

Well.  At least they have some chicken.

Cisco and his joystick.

For those of you who don't know what the hell I'm babbling about, Cisco, while piloting the Flash Hologram, made reference to a famous raid wipe in World of Warcraft.  You still don't know what I'm talking about, do you?  Let's just stick with this:  This guy named Leeroy Jenkins got a whole bunch of people (virtually) killed, and when they yelled at him about it his response was "Least I have chicken."


I basically feel like Flash is currently effecting the TV show equivalent of a raid wipe.  It's bad, and it's frustrating, and you spend a lot of time on your corpse run, trying to figure out what went wrong.  In this case, I am fairly sure the answer is "the writers"


Okay, fine.  It's not actually THAT bad.  Cisco is still charming.  Hardass is still... well.. Hardass.  And Grant Gustin continues to look super cute in his speedy suit.

But plot wise--Oh my god.  What are they DOING?

Let's run through my issues, shall we?

1) Too many father figures.

Three way dad fight.

There are simply too many daddy's in Flash now.  I mean, it was okay when it was just Joe and Hardass.  Joe was the kindly, warm, compassionate dad, and Hardass was the one that drives you and forces you to become a better version of yourself (although sometimes at great cost.)  They were sort of like foils for each other, and that worked fine.  But now they've thrown Henry into the mix, and that's just making everything out of whack.  Let's try paring this shit down, shall we?

2) The continued marginalization of Caitlin Snow.

She doesn't look super happy about it, either, does she?

Look, I wrote a whole post about it.  I don't have to recap.  But this bullshit about her being the only one who can reach Zoom is making my teeth itch.

3) The exponential application of bad decisions.

"Hey, guys!  I have an idea!  Let's broadcast our heroic efforts, 
so the bad guys can track us on the news!"
 "I got no problem with that.  Joe?"
"Yeah, I'm cool with it." 

I don't even know how many we're up to, now, but they just keep getting worse.  It's like a self inflicted shit-storm of cataclysmic proportions.  Open the door for Zoom!  Let him get away!  Give him your speedforce!  Get all delicate about the idea of doing whatever it takes to get your speedforce back!  What rot.  I mean, seriously.  These people are supposed to be BRILLIANT.  Shouldn't they be better at making choices?

I will say, on the plus side, that my little nerd soul soared at this moment:


So what's the metaphorical chicken that they have?  Episode 20 ended with a bang.  I mean, that was amazing.  It was powerful, both emotionally and for shock value.  And look!  Bang: Wally gets powers.  Bang: Jessie gets powers! 

 Awwwwwwwwww yeah.

And of course, we all know where Barry is.

He's on his corpse run.  He'll be back in a few minutes, depending on where the nearest graveyard is.

Don't worry, guys.  Can't be as long as the run to BRD.

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