Sunday, October 16, 2016

Arrow Gets Back to Its Roots

Oh thank god.

Shiny happy Oliver was really starting to bug me.  I'm glad he's back to shooting people on an at will basis.

There just aren't enough villains getting turned into pin cushions in my life.

Awwwwww, he's cranky cause he's all alone.  So sad.  Poor Ollie.  He finally started to like having a scooby-gang and now they're gone.


Wait, wait... I might be willing to watch the flashback if it involves shirtless men grappling with one another.

Hey, what ever happened to the salmon ladder?  We used to see that like, every episode.  What?  Did they think we didn't like it anymore?  I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assure the show runners--if they happen to be paying attention--that we still like it.

We like it a lot.

Why is Oliver living in a delusional fantasy world that everything will work out just because he means well?  Like, work on your own if you want, but stop telling people everything will be fine when the team gets back together.  When people tell you their choices, don't act like those choices aren't valid or real, just because they aren't what you want.

THANK YOU, FELICITY.  "It's called not being in denial, you really ought to give it a try."


 Do you see any pants?  Cause I don't see any pants.

Nary a single pant.
I bet it's awfully breezy.

Okay, this statue is wearing a garter belt.  It also looks nothing like Laurel, but you know, bronze artists aren't what they used to be.  I'd let that slide.  But WHY IS IT WEARING A GARTER BELT?

Oh, FFS.  Apparently it's wearing a garter belt because Laurel's Black Canary Costume HAS A GARTER BELT.  Sarah's didn't, because Sarah was a fighter and FIGHTER'S DON'T NEED TO HOLD UP THEIR STOCKINGS.  But I guess, when they took away the low cut corset, they decided it was really important to sex it up somehow.

 Maybe pick a different angle next time, folks.  Avoid the giant bronze crotch shot.

I'm having a real hard time here, folks.  Because, on the one hand, I wanna yell at Thea to stop being a whiner.  Oh, boo-hoo, you can't have a normal life because you have to go actually make a difference in the world.  How tragic for you.  Now get off your ass and go do something.

BUT... If you take it out of the fantasy setting, this is exactly why people can't escape toxic situations in their own lives.  They always end up going back in just one more time--to help in an emergency, or something--and get sucked back into the same damn trap over and over. So I'm torn.  Do I take it at face value and yell?  Or do I make real world comparisons and hope she sticks to her guns?

I guess it comes down to this: do I think she's running away from a bad situation?  Or is she just running away from herself?

WHOA!  He's back to killing people, too?  I mean, I know he offed Dark, but I didn't think that was opening the floodgates.  Damn, Oliver.  It's like we're back to three seasons ago.

Like Pringles.  Only deadly.

Not just shooting the bad guys, but abandoning the innocent, too?  Oh, Oliver.  Felicity was your sunshine, and now you're walking in darkness, aren't you?

Has anyone else noticed that the farther from the moral high ground Oliver strays, the more eyeliner the make-up artists start using?

And the sidelight is serious.

I notice that Felicity doesn't seem particularly disturbed by the fact that Ollie is killing people again.  I think Dark made her a little bloodthirsty.

Wow, Oliver has some bitchin' new arrows.

Why has Curtis suddenly changed his mind?  I thought he was all like "I'm strictly R&D."  Also, shouldn't Oliver at least ask him if he's sure?  I mean, it IS a deadly hobby...

Hey, look!  It's the mystery bad guy!

 Damn, how many bow weilding bad guys is this now?
Don't super villains use 20th century weapons anymore?

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