Wednesday, October 19, 2016

A Lump of Coal in a Sea of Diamonds

Thank you!  Thank you, Superman.

"See, if the bullets don't work, why the punching?  I've never understood that."

On the one hand, Superman is by far the best character on this show currently (barring, possibly, Win.)  I love him, and I hope he never leaves.  On the other hand, I am a little mad that the only female headed superhero show is currently getting stolen by a male character.

Here's an idea, how about the writers just make the other characters better?

Yes!  Just like this!!! Cat is telling Kara to fix her own shit!  Alex is telling Kara to stop whining and maybe think about someone other than herself for a while!

Win is on a super cheerful, super snarky roll, and I love it.

 Hey, why don't we get silly and take a Geiger counter to the ACTUAL locker room.

In fact, about the only character that isn't really making me happy right now... Is Supergirl.

Can we please, please, PLEASE get a female main character who doesn't spend her time swanning around complaining about how no one understands her?  How she's so lonely?  I'm not asking for a perfect woman.  Just give me one that has less quintessentially feminine problems.  Make her a playgirl with money to burn, or someone with rage issues, or give her a dark haunted past that has made her disconnect from humanity.  MAKE HER A HERO.  Don't make her another insecure girl who just happens to have superpowers.

Make her like Alex.  I mean, Alex doesn't always make the brightest choices--

Really?  You're going on the sting operation with no back-up?

--but you can't deny that she's a hardcore badass.

It's okay, guy.  Waking up makes me homicidal, too.

Instead, I have a dreadful sinking feeling that Kara's gonna end up dating this guy who tried to strangle her the first time they met.

Don't do it, Kara.  Just... don't.

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