Thursday, January 28, 2016

Arrow: How Felicity Got Her Groove Back

Hey, everybody remember Ray, with that awesome nanotech?  You know--big, tall guy?  Turns into a teeny-tiny hero?  Yeah, well, who bets he can fix Felicity's nerve damage?

Life lesson, kiddos.  If people are coming to kill you, start with the vital information, and then explain why you're passing it on.  If you run out of time, you don't want to be remembered as the jackass who almost managed to save everyone with his critical data.

Don't be this asshole.

Oh, that's right!  I periodically forget that Oliver cooks.  You know, if he weren't imaginary he would be the perfect man.

Damnit.  I don't even want a hamburger.  And yet, somehow, now I do.

It's really hard to buy that Andy and John came from the same genetic material.  I mean, yes, they're both black.  But that's basically the only resemblance.  Their facial features are nothing alike, there's a huge height disparity, they don't move alike, and they don't even have similar speech patterns (which is generally a dead give away in families).  I'm not necessarily criticizing Andy's casting--I like that actor--but from the standpoint of a viewer it's a super hard sell.

OH FUCKING HELL, now we're having Diggle flashbacks, too?  Why?  WHY?  As if that stupid freaking ISLAND wasn't bad enough?

Things Felicity has: a beautiful fireplace.  Things Felicity lacks: the understanding that if you're told to take two pills, you should only take two pills.


 Wow... I'm betting she read a lot of Sandman.

Wait until you're out of the hive of villainy before you discuss the very secret transfer that just happened, K?  I know it's inconvenient to shoot another short scene in the parking lot, but it's how you maintain the illusion that these people are actually competent spies.

Did John just refer to his war experience as "the 'Stan"?  For serious?

"You're my brother, but I'm not built like you!"  That, my dear Andy, is precisely my point.  However, carry on.  We'll just assume your mother dallied with a giant one year, and a petite man the next.  And we will assume it without shame, because ain't nothing wrong with a woman who likes a little variety.

 Look at that.  It's like David and Goliath.

Why doesn't Dark Felicity wear glasses?  Does the fog of poor vision allow her to better see the insecurities of others?

Listen, let's diverge from levity for a minute.  This is a fictional show, where mystical shit happens.  There's like a 50% chance that Felicity is actually hallucinating on her own, and another 50% chance that she's been cursed by Damien Dark, or some shit like that.  Either way, this is a TV show and everything's going to work out.
That being said, people do actually hallucinate in real life.  And sometimes they don't talk about it, because of exactly the reasons Dark Felicity listed during her dual monologue with Oliver.  Because telling people that you're talking to someone no one else can see or hear makes you sound crazy--and being crazy carries a terrible weight of stigma.

People have been trying to break some of the silence surrounding mental illness recently, trying to convince everyone to start talking about these things openly and without shame.  And, whether Felicity is hallucinating or cursed, I hope this plot line hammers home the point that if you're seeing things that aren't there, you should tell someone.  If you can't get out of bed, or you start to feel worthless and like there's no point, you should tell someone.  If you teeter between sobbing and manic joy all the time, you should tell someone.
Mental illness is just that--an illness.  And it's no more shameful than having the flu or pneumonia.  The worst thing that you can do is refuse to tell someone because you're ashamed.  None of us is invulnerable, and there's nothing wrong with realizing your own humanity.


You know, I seriously was planning on going back to the levity, but these mother-fuckers aren't giving me much to work with.

Oh yes, Oliver, glad you're getting on the "time travel is bad" bandwagon.  I mean, this really isn't your fault, no matter how much of a failed hero complex you enjoy burdening yourself with, but given that you have some influence over Barry maybe you could pop on over to Flash and explain to them that they need to stop playing higglety-pigglty with the TIME STREAM.

Also, this reminds me that you still haven't told her you have a kid, which is totally going to bite you in the ass at the MOST inopportune time.  Like, say, as soon as Felicity can walk again.  That way, when the time comes for her enraged exit, she can storm out the door.

C'mon, guys!  If you're gonna bother to do a dramatic floor shot so you can drop the eye, make the eye look better.  Geez.  Learn to prop.

 Things That Should Be Oozing, But Aren't; Prop Edition

I say Amanda is the worst head of a morally bankrupt organization ever, because her ability to consider alternate intel is the WORST.

You're here for RUBI-CON?  The hacker convention?  What?

So, that's a touching speech, Felicity, and you gave it very well.  But they are gonna have to get some chairs in the Quiver for those times someone needs to get down on your level, cause the booty-tooch Oliver has going on--trying to sit on the edge of that platform--is hella distracting from your moment of inner bravery.

I wonder if the leather pants help keep him from slipping off that narrow perch?

Do you think the reason all the bad guys make their goons wear masks is so that the studio can just hire 20 tall, burly people per season to play all the henchmen?

Amanda, I didn't think it was possible, but I honestly think you just got lower on the list.  So like, there's now the whole list, plus some blank spaces at the bottom, and then you.  The void of nothing is a better covert ops leader than you.  I mean, unless you're TRYING to get John's wife killed. 

Heh.  I guess it isn't an issue anymore.  RIP, worst leader ever.

Dude, Andy, your voice is great but your body language needs a little work.  That pose does not scream "please let me out so we can save your wife."

Actual shot from the moment in question, I swear.
Now, does that man look worried to you?

Though, seriously, Overwatch is a mouthful when you're in a situation where every second counts.  Too bad Barbara Gordon beat you to the whole eye in the sky thing.

So... uh... aside from allowing Felicity a plot moment where she blocks the vault access, how come lil' Dig didn't just grab the gun the first time the bad guy pointed it at John?  Like... why wait?  I know it was important for Felicity to get her groove back and all, but...

That's right.  Felicity is keeping it real.  Amanda Waller.  What a bitch. 
I can't lie.  I'm glad this incarnation is gone, mostly because I miss Amanda Waller how she's supposed to be.

Amanda Waller is dead.
Long live Amanda Waller.

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