Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Supergirl and the Most Awkward First Date Ever

So... Stick with me for a minute...

Time doesn't pass in the phantom zone, right?  I mean, that's why Kara didn't age while she was asleep in her pod, right?  So, that means that every evil villain who has ever been banished to the phantom zone is just there, waiting for the moment when the system fails--when a pod crashes through for two decades and drags a whole prison out with it in its wake, for instance--to be released on the universe again.  Basically, it's like the incarceration equivalent of burying radioactive waste.  It's out of sight, but that shit is still TOTALLY going to fuck you up if anything happens to go wrong.

 Pods.  You never know the trouble they'll cause.

Which makes the Kryptonians like, the least forward thinking society ever.  And I'm including ours in that estimate, so you know how serious I am about this.

Okay, so, I'm kind of assuming that letter she's reading is from Cat to her son, and Kara's gotten a hold of it for some reason... but... WOULDN'T IT BE AWESOME IF SHE HAD A LITTLE HALF KRYPTONIAN LOVE-CHILD STASHED AWAY SOMEWHERE!!!????!!!

It sounds to me like Kara is taking responsibility for Win developing the feels for her.  How do we feel about that, boys and girls?


You know, under normal circumstances I would be pleased as punch over the appearance of Cat's son, and Kara's obvious attraction to him.  (Yeah, the guy in the coffee shop.  We're all together, right?  That's gotta be Cat's son?  Good.  Onward.)  Because I enjoy encouraging fictional characters to bang, as well as the idea that Kara could become Cat's defacto heir apparent if she became her daughter-in-law.  HOWEVER, under the circumstances, I must protest.  Jeremy Jordan should not have to spend his entire time on this show pining.  It's not right.  He's too pretty to pine.  Just because these other guys are taller shouldn't mean they get all the sweet Kryptonian lovin'.  Therefore, if Kara and Adam Foster are going to become a thing, I demand that Win become their unicorn.
And just like that, Supergirl goes from CBS to Cinemax.


If it takes a dome, let's build a dome?  That sounds familiar.  I can't say I fault the writer's political activism.


Okay, all you new comers to the DC universe, here's a quick lesson in Martian Racial distinctions.  There are White Martians and Green Martians.  The Green Martians (of whom J'onn J'onzz is one) are the peaceful, thoughtful ones.  The White Martians are... not.  
Oh, yeah.  Of course.  The crazy, homicidal alien always runs away instead of finishing off the helpless solitary human.  Clearly the Senator is in on it.
Hank, dude, she's not stopping you from getting the Senator back to headquarters.  She's just ALSO asking for answers.

So, the Senator is a GIANT bitch.  But she has a slammin' suit.  These things are not mutually exclusive.

Uh... bringing fire from the planet's guts?  ALL Martians are susceptible to fire or extreme heat.  ALL of them.  The white ones, too.  If they tried that, they'd fry themselves as well.  DAMNIT WRITERS, JUST CONSIDER RESEARCHING THE CHARACTERS YOU'RE WRITING ABOUT, OKAY?

I stand corrected.  The Senator is NOT in on it, the Senator IS it.


Please, enough with the redundant glowy eyes.  Just because you HAVE a special effects budget doesn't mean you have to use it.

Yes.  Yes, she did say White Martian.  Now, how would she know that?  That's right.  You're getting there.  Any minute now... 

Yep.  There we go.  Of course, the smart money would have been on shooting first, and explaining how you knew later, but then we'd miss this bitchin' fight scene.

Point of order.  White Martians can phase shift, just like Green Martians, which means she wanted to bust a hole in the roof.  'Cause she's just that metal.

Oh, J'onn.  That is a sad story.  Sigh.  I wish heroes were born out of something other than tragedy.

Kara, you gotta take some acting lessons.  People with secret identities need to learn to lie better.

 Most awkward first date ever.

Way to get visceral there, J'onn.  Those are some ferocious put downs, too.  I like it.
I'm just gonna make the observation that if you're dealing with a shapeshifter, you might want some way to verify that the Senator you just found lying on the floor, acting like bait, is, in fact, the real deal.  Just a thought.  Otherwise you might end up with a face full of angry Alien.

Oh, look.  Face full of angry Alien.

What is with these people?  Like, why do they care if he kills the homicidal woman who gloated over her race destroying his?  I mean, I'm not one for casual murder, but it seems to me this is straight up justice.

You know what I wanna do?  Strut.

Look, enjoy your strut, I don't want to ruin the moment, but has it occurred to you that a telepathic alien is literally impossible to hide?  And that she'll be able to feed all the information she has on you to any of her friends that come looking for her?  I mean, if you're not willing to kill her, at least put her in stasis or something.  I know you're Kryptonian, but let's consider effective prisoner management, instead of the "burying radioactive waste" version of things, shall we?

If he's openly proclaimed himself as a father figure, does that mean he and Alex aren't gonna bang?  

HAH!!! OMG!!! THEY DID NOTICE!!!  HOLY SHIT!!!!  Thank you writers for finally addressing this glaring issue of nomenclature.  My humble and eternal thanks.

Kara.  You're a giant dork.  I can't decide if it's appealing or not.

Hey, on the bright side, we're one step closer to a Kara/Adam/Win threesome.

IT'S A SUPERGANGER!!!!  OMG.  Maybe Win can date that one.

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