Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Supergirl Mid-season Finale: So Something Finally Happens.

Oh, hey nice lady who plays Astra.  You still need to work on your evil face.  And your evil voice.  And your evil everything. 

Don't feel bad, though.  You're real pretty.

Holy shit.  Supergirl just made a sound tactical decision.  I may have a heart attack and die from shock.

Listen.  Alex.  We need to have a talk.  You suck at being sneaky.  Because literally EVERYONE is going to notice that you started calling your boss by his first name all of a sudden.  Of course, most of them will probably just assume you're banging him, but still.  Your secret keeping skills need major work.


I will never stop laughing at that description of Winn.  Never. 

That handsome little hobbit who has more cardigans than you do.

Dear prop department, please calmly and quietly exit the 80's and join us in the present.  Why in the name of the rainforest would you go through them in printed form?  THIS IS WHY WE HAVE COMPUTERS, PEOPLE! 

That's right kiddos.  It was just a hug.  Which, of course, in TV land is equivalent to getting an intimate personal massage while naked in a hot tub. 

OH COME ON!!!!  Can't we just have an evil woman?  Like, do they ALL have to have some basic good in them?  Some instinct of motherhood?  Can't we just have her Aunt be a horrible, evil, conniving villain that we can hate with glee?  WHY YOU GOTTA GIVE HER A SYMPATHETIC SIDE?

Again.  Family crest on the PJ's is a little bit of overkill.  Not gonna let this go.  It's too silly.

And a CAPE, too!  

Oh.  My.  God.  They made Auntie Astra an environmental terrorist.  Holy shit balls.  I'm not sure I can handle this.

Cat.  Dude.  Dirk is setting you up.  Big time.  Fortunately, as one of the few characters on this show with brains, I'm sure you're going to realize that.

Nope.  We're gonna let Supergirl realize it with her Alien Ears.  Character development wise, I feel like this is a real winner.

Why is a white streak in your hair the ultimate sign of the evil twin?  For serious.  If I had twins, and one of them had a white streak in their hair, I would be like "Mother fucker.  I'm gonna have to get them henchmen for their birthday."

Uh, yeah.  Okay.  I mean, one of them is super speedy, and can fly out the window if the guy comes back early, but SURE!  Let's send the human to bug the computer.  GOOD PLAN, GUYS!

So, I don't get how this saves Cat.  I mean, sure, she can stick it to that other guy, but eventually the thing about her kid is gonna come out anyway.  Oh wait, in Supergirl land, does finding the bad guy retroactively undo all the mischief he caused?

That is some adorable male bonding going on there. 

 Totes Adorbs

YAY!!! BADASSES IN KRYPTONITE KEVLAR!!!!  Finally, we're gonna get some serious ass kicking going on.

Yeah, let's talk about Adam a little bit... HOW, precisely, did she save you?  Cause, you know, emails are still out there.  Just saying.

Also, does anyone else think it's interesting that Cat happens to have a son that's the right age to hook up with Kara?  Like, I'm thinking future plot line.

And, as long as I'm posing random questions... does Cat still not know Kara's name?  Or does Callista Flockheart not know that she's saying Keira?

Well, that happened sooner than I was expecting, despite the ridiculous number of obvious hints that Kara drops.  THIS IS WHY YOU STAY BACKLIT, DUMBASS.  SO THAT THEY DON'T HAVE ANY WAY TO CONFIRM THEIR SUSPICIONS.

HAH!  Maxwell Lord is NOT fucking around.  I like his style.

So, is that like--a sonic muscle flex?

Well, I'll be damned.  The girl finally delivered a line and sounded half way bad ass.  Maybe there's hope for her yet.

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