Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Flash: The Trouble With Timelines

Cisco, I will sip Mai Tais with you anytime.  Please continue to troll Hardass.  It brings me no end of joy.

That was very clever with the wheels!

"I see plays."  OMG.  There is literally nothing that man says that doesn't delight me.

I'd like to take a moment to offer up my sincere appreciation to whoever writes the majority of Cisco's dialogue.  You're doing a bang up job.

Uh, Barry?  You run like, a billion miles an hour.  She could live anywhere on the planet and you could get to her in a relatively short period of time.  It's not really a big deal that she's moving.  You're just being emo.

 Be less emo, Barry.

Iris.  Shame on you.  Yes, he does have to let her leave.  He can, however, choose to stop acting like an injured kitten and put on some big boy pants and offer to make it work.

YAY!!! TIMELINE NONSENSE!!!  Okay, ready?  Here we go!

Hardass's explanation makes zero sense.  Not a single bit.  They didn't KILL Eobard.  They erased his existence by the simple expedient of Eddie killing himself.  For that to work, Eddie's death has to ripple through time and affect everything that comes after, including Eobard's birth.  In essence, by killing himself, Eddie has changed the future that Eobard came from, and that future no longer exists.  Not in this world.  Eobard was never born, and from the moment Eddie killed himself Eobard vanishes. 

With me so far?  Good.

Now, that itself has massive problems.  If Eobard never existed, then none of the things he did as Reverse Flash/Faux Wells (including killing Barry's mother and creating the metas in the first place) could have happened.  Theoretically one of two things should have happened in the moment of Eddie's death.  Either the whole realm of existence should have shifted into one in which Eobard never lived, which would then mean Eddie never needed to kill himself, which would then shift everything back, leaving all of reality caught in a paradoxical time loop forever...  OR, if time actually has a way of repairing and adjusting itself, then reality would have shifted enough to cover the gaps (the simplest method of this actually being to have Eobard be born to a different Thawne, and just be mistaken about Eddie being his ancestor) in which case Eobard wouldn't have died.  Because if you remove his ancestor from the time stream specifically to counteract the effect of his actions, the only alternative to paradox is that he still comes to exist somehow.

And thus, the paradox.

HOWEVER, if we're gonna let ALL THAT GO...

It still doesn't make sense.  Because even if they manage to erase Eobard from the time stream (and remember, this is the ONLY WAY he would have immediately disappeared when Eddie killed himself) and it somehow magically DOES NOT create a massive world ending paradox, then at the very least he has been erased completely.  COMPLETELY.  Because if the future that he comes from is his past, and he's already existed there so he can have a time-line remnant that keeps him present in our current time, then there's no reason for him to have disappeared in the first place when Eddie shot himself.

 This right here?  This is utter bullshit.

What's most frustrating, of course, is that with the whole alternate worlds that are going on, they could easily have explained that this is Eobard from a different world.  Or, alternatively, they could have made it clear that timelines diverge, and that all they had done by killing Eddie in their own timeline was to diverge themselves from another reality in which Reverse Flash won (depressing, I know) and that in places the two time lines still overlap, because the events are identical, which is why Eobard can still appear in this time line.

 What I'm saying is, they should have just said this.

And, finally, on a different note, Barry, don't be a dumbass!  You've already WON.  And you can't stop the events that have already happened without creating a catastrophe!  Just let Eobard go back into the past where he'll get his ass kicked, and you focus on Zoom. 

I find the directorial choice to constantly have the speedsters remove their face masks to be interesting.  On the one hand, it makes no sense, strategically.  But, on the other, it allows the actors to emote properly.

Oye!  You could have stimulated something ELSE that creates dopamine, instead of his fear receptors.  I mean, that's just cruel. 

Cisco, has it occurred to you that you might have seen the future, and not the present?  Like, maybe you could still save her.

YUP!  There we go.  You saw the future.


 Scott Summers, eat your heart out.

Oh, look.  Patty figured it out. 

"Maybe you should tell her," says Joe.  Is this hailed as the enlightened and wise judgement that it is? 
I'll give you three guesses.  They should all be NO.

ALLOW ME TO GIVE YOU A BRIEF LESSON IN RISK MANAGEMENT.  You already care about her.  This puts her in danger.  Period.  You cannot stop caring about her, so you're basically hosed there.  Telling her the truth allows her to PREPARE for the danger.  It makes her safer.  YOU ARE BEING STUPID, AND PATERNALISTIC, AND ALSO STUPID. 

Sometimes things are so bad you have to list them twice.

Lolz.  Hardass, do you realize you have now given Cisco the power to see exactly what you're up to?  Also, the FREAKING FUTURE?

Oh, NOW Hardass decides to pay attention to altering the time line.  After Barry's already gone and grabbed the guy who, at some point, has to travel back in time and kill his mom.  Way to be the king of too little, too late, Hardass.

Cisco, did you notice your nose is bleeding?  And, like, do you care?  Because Hardass noticed.  He's winning the cleverness Olympics, and you're not. 

Oh no, Cisco.  I am so disappointed in you.  Have you never watched Bond?  The gloat speech will ALWAYS get you in trouble.  Plus... FOR FUCKS SAKE, MAN, YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS IT IS TO CHANGE TIME.  LEAVE IT ALONE!



And OMG, there goes ANOTHER ONE talking to the villain that you should be leaving STRICTLY ALONE!!!


Whoa, Cisco just went incorporeal.

SEE?!  SEE, DAMNIT!!!???!!!  You do NOT fuck with the time line!  It can make people just pop right the fuck of out existence!!

Now, isn't that nice?  Cisco isn't going to suddenly cease to exist because you acted like a dumbass. 

That was a super weird dead end story line about Jay's doppelganger.  Unless Jay is going to die, and they want to set up a chance for Caitlyn to drown her sorrow by banging a guy who looks just like him, only with glasses.  I am cool with basically any plot line that has some substance to it.  Any at all.


Dear Barry, 
You are needlessly torturing yourself and this is stupid.  Also, that was the dumbest-fuck trap anyone ever fell into, EVER, in all of the history of Superheros revealing their identity in dumb-fuck ways.  For a smart guy, you have the brains of a peacock when dealing with women. 
Sincerely, Me

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