Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Supergirl: Euphemisms for Days

Okay.  Can we all just go ahead and learn our lesson?  If you are working in, say, a maximum security facility, do NOT just open the door to a madman because you see his feet on the floor.  It's a terrible idea.  Terrible.

Also, consider taking away his death yo-yo.  Just a suggestion.

Oh... Oh no.  What is with the red piping on her costume?  How have I not noticed this before?  It's terrible!  And why does it end right at the tip of her boobs?  Like, did the producer come to the costume designer and say "You know, she's already flying around in a mini skirt and spanx, but I don't think this outfit is sexualized enough.  Can we do something to emphasize her nipples?"

 You see it, too, right?
You could hang a tassel off that thing.

"A woman with brains who gives up everything for love inevitably finds herself staring into an existential abyss that men, babies, and cardio bars simply cannot fill."  PREACH, SISTER!


About time we had a Win episode, but--and this is just a random thought--couldn't we have discovered that he's secretly an exotic dancer instead?  Wouldn't that be more fun than finding out his daddy is a psycho?  Can't you just picture it?  Cat, Kara, and Alex go out for a night of female bonding, complete with a fistful of crisp dollar bills, only to find that the featured performer for the night is none other than our favorite cardigan-wearing computer dork.

Yup.  It'd look about like that.

Hey, Kara just hugged Win!  I guess that means they're engaged now.  I mean, according to Supergirl-World logic.

Wow.  Alex has a major lady boner for J'onn's powers.  I mean, I do, too, but I'm a fan girl and she's a trained agent, so I expected better of her. 

Lucy, you are disappointing me so much right now.  You want to work for a kick-ass powerful woman, so you're desperate to get your boyfriend's approval?  OMG.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I swear, the "bad guys" in this show are the best.  Henceforth, Alex will be known as Mata Hari.

What is this bullshit?

Didn't this woman JUST point out that Win didn't need to talk into the mic?

For fucks sake, people.  Get it together.

Kara, you don't need to look so upset.  You are faster than a speeding bullet.  Just go put on your lovely new nipple-emphasizing suit and blitz on over there.  It's not like the FBI can keep you out.

Snerk.  I'm pretty sure Supergirl just admitted to being a pot smoker.  
Of course, that does lead one to wonder what a Superperson would be like, high as a kite.
 I offer up this possible scenario.

Do you think "creepy little doll" is a euphemism of some sort?  I kinda hope it is.  But, on the other hand, that would drastically lower Win's chances of ever getting laid.

Hot damn, Mata Hari.  You clean up good.

Except for the part about owning my own multi-million dollar corporation.  That I don't really care about.

Ummm... you've already got it in your mouth.  And you're enjoying it.  Spitting it out is just silly.
(Talking about the snail eggs.  Get your mind out of the gutter.)

We didn't really need the red eyes, guys.  The comment about narcissism and ill-kept facial hair was enough of a clue.

 Sigh.  I dislike the way they pick and choose which powers J'onn will use, based on the plot.  When he was captured, they suddenly forgot he could phase shift.  Now that this guy is asking about Code Phoenix, they've momentarily taken away his telepathy.  STOP CHERRY PICKING THE POWERS, PEOPLE!  JUST WRITE BETTER PLOTS.

WHAT?  WHAAAAT?  HE CAN MEMORY WIPE, BUT NOT READ THE GUY'S MIND?  Golrammit.  I hate, hate, HATE lazy plot devices.

You know, whenever I'm sneaking OUT of my covert mission, I always drop my disguise.  It gives the whole thing an irresponsible thrill.

Alex, I'm just gonna point out that now, while you're all tarted up, would be a great time to make your move on Hank.  Look at him.  He needs comforting.

Does anyone else feel like Kara is making a speech about how she's gonna save Win with the power of her magical hoo-ha?

Well apparently Win does.

Win's daddy is super cray-cray.  Totally batshit bonkers.  That is a seriously fucked up plan he's got.
Oh... it's James and his plot device.  Sorry, I forgot you guys were on the show.  

You know what I need?  I need a Supergirl costume to wear while I snuggle up on the couch and eat pizza and complain about my love life.  

Tell me the costume doesn't make it better.

Reformed Nerd with a God Complex.  Huh.  Apparently Alex and I have the same taste in men.

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