Thursday, February 4, 2016

Arrow: Return of the Everyone.

Oliver, this is what we call "denying an obvious plot point".  I admit, it happens most frequently in D&D, but, really, it can happen anytime.  OF COURSE IT'S THE PIT, YOU DUMBASS.


Hah.  Laurel, calling it like it is.  They have seen way weirder shit than a doppelganger.

Tiny Device.  Really huge boom.

Dear Arrow Writers,
I realize, at this point in the season, that you're basically stuck with whatever island plot line you've got going.  There's not a whole lot you can do about the fact that Oliver is currently being tortured for information regarding some charts.  That being said, I really want to urge to you wrap up this COMPLETELY POINTLESS STORY LINE and never, EVER return to that mother-fucking island, EVER AGAIN.  Find some other way to introduce characters/pivotal plot points.  If you can't come up with anything else, I feel comfortable saying that your audience would probably accept an entire season of doppelganger episodes at this point.  Just please, for the love of film, no more flashbacks.
A fan.

No.  Fucking.  Way.  I should have known.  Talk about your foreshadowing.  "Who else is going to make a dramatic return?"  OH, HAI, SHADOW!  HOW YOU DOING?

I heart you, Curtis.  I heart you so much.  My love for you is pure and untarnished by cumbersome plot lines. 

I love the internet, too, Felicity.  Don't let the poorly named bad guy kill it.  Please.

 Man, I cannot believe you shot me.


Hot damn.  This is like old home week on Arrow.  Who are we missing?  Can Thea see Moira Queen in a dream or something? 

So, it just suddenly occurred to me that Roy really should have reached to stop Thea from falling off the roof.  I mean, I know he was trying to keep a low profile and everything, but I still think instinct would have had him trying to catch her.

Has anyone else considered how insanely weird it is to have Malcolm Merlin lecturing Oliver on the morality of respecting another person's autonomy?

WHOA.  WHOA.  John TOTALLY just KILLED that guy!  Like, I thought we were all "Oh, we don't kill people anymore."  "Oh, killing people in the name of a greater good is super wrong, if you go down that path it's gonna stain your soul." And John just straight up fired two shots into that dude's BACK.  Hypocrisy, thy name is show expediency.

 Oh, sure.  OLIVER always has to make an entrance.

I am so fucking tired of "there are reasons, but they don't matter."  OF COURSE THEY MATTER.  Did you stab him 'cause you wanted his Nike's?  NO.  He attacked you and tried to drown you.  THIS IS PRETTY SIMPLE STUFF, MORALLY.  But no.  Fucking TV shows.  Always gotta be making shit complicated.

I do not enjoy whatever random ass, studio bullshit is keeping Roy off the show.  I want he and Thea to ride off into the sunset together.  Possibly not in a mini-van, though.  Those things suck.

Felicity... why is your Daddy a supervillain?

Really?  They're shaking hands now?  I am very uncomfortable with this.  Let's not forget that Malcolm is NOT a nice man.

Talk about fiction.  No doctor is ever that straightforward. 

Oh I get it.  They had to suddenly make Malcolm be on the side of light, so Oliver wouldn't just be like "Sure, no problem, been wanting to do that for ages."

Glad you're on my side buddy.
Too bad I have to kill you.

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