Saturday, February 6, 2016

Legends of Tomorrow: Because Science is for Losers.

I'm not entirely sure why, but for some reason the flashbacks on this show do not make me want to scream and throw things at the screen.  Maybe it's because I'm too busy giggling at the terrible "Egyptian" scenery and costumes.

 Ancient Egypt.  Full of bathrobes and torches.

OH.  MY.  GOD.  Captain Hunter, that is the WORST IDEA EVER.  EV-ARH.  You will disrupt the time stream and create a future that simply cannot be predicted with any degree of certainty.  You, yourself, are likely to blink right out of existence.  There's a high probability that you will not only FAIL to save your wife and child, you will cause them never to have been born in the first place.  WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?

Snart, I love you.  They should have just named you Snark, and then my joy would have been complete.

Hey, so, here's a good question...  Savage survived being double teamed by Flash and Arrow...

Sorry, I just need to process what I said for a minute...


Anyway, given that they know PRECISELY where Savage will be in 2015, why not just go there and track what happens to him after the cross-over episode?  They know he's not really dead, right?  So logically, they should go hide on site and find out what happened to his ashes after Oliver and Barry hit him with their giant rod.  (Sorry, couldn't resist.)  They'd see Malcolm take the ashes, and all they would have to do then would be steal the urn, wait for Savage to resurrect, and immediately stab him with the dagger.  Done.  Finito.  With minimal damage to the time-stream, no less.  Why are they dicking around in the 70's instead?

Whoa... "I've seen men of steel die, and dark nights fall..." Or, as could easily be inferred from the context "dark knights fall."  Is Rip Hunter saying he's seen the end of Superman and Batman?  Pretty big talk there, for a minor DC property.

Nice, apparently Sara Lance is not just an extremely badass salmon ladder expert.  She's also a half way decent tactical thinker.  I mean, at least when it suits the plot.

Really?  Your suit can't hold up to BLOOD?  I mean, blood is all metaphorically amazing and whatnot, but it's not like it has a super high salinity or acidity.  Nothing that would cause mechanical failure in anything that can withstand salt water.  I'm disappointed, Ray.  What happens when someone hits you with a blast from a super soaker?

I will literally never get tired of the Fashion Room.

I like the connection they're forming between Sara and Rip.  Everyone else on the ship has a buddy.  (Well, I guess Kendra's buddy just died, but... I think they're gonna pick up another version of him somewhere.)  They essentially come in pairs.  I like to think that these two are gonna be bros in the long run.  I can imagine them drinking beer together.

Ray, I seriously don't get how you ever got into the hero gig.  You are so emotionally delicate.  I mean, being upset over your fiancèe?  Totally legit.  Being upset because the first half-assed time you tried going inside a vein it didn't work out?  THAT'S JUST BEING A WHINER!  Reach down, find some reproductive organs, take a good hold, and get back in there.

 Be honest.  You'd want to go for a joyride, too.

Oh, now that's interesting.  That wasn't a preview of things to come, Rip already tried to kill Savage.  Presumably more than once if there's a whole legend about him.  I mean, you don't exactly get to be legendary if you bumble one assassination attempt.  That's more like the story that the goons tell when they're drinking whiskey and laughing about how invincible they are.  "Do you remember that one guy?  Yeah, the one who tried to jump him in the temple?  Boy, that asshole sure screwed the pooch..."

Rip Hunter once again proves himself THE WORST FUCKING TACTICIAN IN THE HISTORY OF TIME, and that's really saying something.  Let's all repeat after me, children.  The dead are beyond pain.  To sabotage your own hope of a viable plan just in order to save a hunk of meat is so far beyond stupidity that words cannot fully encompass your foolishness.

I don't get why the writer's let the plot hinge on stupidity.  It's frustrating.  Especially when they could have said "oh, there's a ritual Savage can do with the body that will give him more power/corrupt Carter in all future lifetimes/separate his soul from Kendra's forever."  Then it would make total sense to disrupt all their plans to go fetch him, instead of calling into question how time itself has managed to survive with "guardians" like Rip protecting it.

Goddamnit, Snart.  We just went over this last episode.


Dude, I get that this isn't the etymology of "cocksure," but from now on I'm going to start calling men who are full of o'erweening pride "dick-arrogant."

What?  Okay, hold up... the FRAGMENT damaged your suit?  Because, I guess, it can withstand being shot by bullets and lasers, but a flying piece of knife is just TOO MUCH TO HANDLE?  Really?  A) That was totally not obvious from the earlier segment and B) it's only slightly more believable than the mystery of the corrosive blood.

Is it just me, or did they reuse the set for the West home and just put in new furniture for Daddy's Snart's place?

 It's very distinctive architecture.

OH MY GOD, DO YOU NOT GET IT?  Your sister might NOT be born!  Or she might be born as someone different than the girl you know!  Because of your interruption, maybe your mom and dad bang on a day when different planets align, and you get a brother instead!  Or a little girl who has an odd and incomprehensible predilection for obeying the law.  For fucks sake!  You are the most irresponsible time travelers EVER.

*Dear Arrow-verse writers, Please write a trio of cross-over episodes where all the characters we know on Flash and Arrow live through a week of chaotic random changes in their lives, caused by the Legends mucking about with history.*

Still not tired of the Fashion Room.

Lesson #2: If you're leaving a bad guy behind, make sure to fully incapacitate him.  (Lesson #1 is Never Monologue, obviously.)

I'm kinda glad the Professor really didn't remember Ray.  I would hate to think he was just being a dick before.  I don't want him to be that petty.

Hold up, did they just escort Rip and Sara out of the room where Carter's body lay, down a long corridor, and back into the same damn room?  Or, like, did they have someone super burly snatch the body up and take a short-cut to lay him out on a different bier?

Four thousand years?  So Rip only tried to kill him once?  SERIOUSLY?  And they made up a whole legend about it?  Wow.  Someone's minions have some serious time on their hands.

 Good call.  Now you can keep using the same actors, 
and don't even have to do age make-up on them. 

Fun fact.  Corpses don't bleed.  Once the heart stops pumping, the blood pools and settles, and if you cut a corpse it will only ooze a little.  But what the hell.  Science is for losers.

That was a weirdly specific and useful way to cry out during a vision.  

I'm so glad they have hokey criminals on the team, so we can have hokey criminal dialogue.  It's my favorite.  I am filled with mirth each time I hear such cheesy lines.

Uh, what the hell is Savage using as a weapon?  Is that pure mystical energy he's shooting from the dagger?  Cause, just a reminder, he's not actually a time traveler.  He shouldn't have tech like that available, so I'm assuming it's magic...

 Phenomenal power.  Very poor aim.

Okay, Rip, now drag him back to the ship before he has time to heal, put the dagger in Kendra's hand, wrap your own hand around hers, and drive it into his heart.

Or, you know.  Just leave him there.  Because... reasons?

Wow.  Wow, Ray.  Way to be a glory hog.  You dick.  I liked you better before you got so concerned with recognition.

You know, now that they know Carter's body can be used for nefarious purposes, I do believe cremation and a scattering of the ashes would be a more proper tribute to his life's purpose.

Also, seriously, I'm very surprised they didn't come up with a way to resurrect him.  I guess they really are going to find him in a different time line.  Probably one where Chay-ara got killed early, so that they're both alone.

Indeed, Jackson.  "What the hell" is the perfect response for parachute pants.

 I am SO looking forward to this.

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