Thursday, February 18, 2016

Flash: The Moment We've All Been Waiting For.

My fellow homo sapiens.  The day has finally come.  I hoped for it, I dreamed of it, but at times I doubted it would ever arrive.  It's finally here, and I want you all to rejoice with me.

This... was a good episode.

It was so good that I actually got distracted from my snarky commentary.  Now, the snark is strong with me, so there were still a couple things that made my eye twitch.  That earthquake dude was the worst effing villain ever.  He's so bad, I won't even waste a full "fucking" on him.  And they broadcast the shit out of the fact that Zoom was going to reach through the portal and grab Jay.  Like, bad enough that I actually yelled "JUST GRAB HIM ALREADY, YOU'RE WASTING AIR TIME" at the screen.

But, basically, that's all.  Those were the only things that I really wanted to snark about.  Which is why, for the first time ever, this isn't a play-by-play of Flash.

It's a review of how much awesome there was.

Let's start with Cisco.

My favorite nerd in the world (and, for those of you keeping track, YES this means he ranks above Felicity) is really coming into his own.  He arrives back at Star Labs to find Wells FREAKING OUT, and instead of succumbing to panic, Cisco basically tells him to get a hold of himself.  Then he identifies the solution to their problem (aka Killer Frost), and actually convinces the Caitlyn-Ganger to help them through the clever application of feels.  Cisco is becoming a badass in his own right, and he doesn't even have use of his powers yet.  Honestly, I can't wait to see the fully fledged Vibe.

Can I get an A-men?

The Barry-Ganger.  Oh my god, the Barry-Ganger.  His charming version of dorkiness delights and enraptures me.  His odd form of cowardly bravery reminds me of of the potential for heroism in even the most dedicated of wing-tip lovers.  I love  the Barry-Ganger, and I hope he and Iris a live and long and happy life together.

This guy!!!!  This mystery wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in what must be a very uncomfortable helmet.   Does anyone else think this might actually be Jay Garrick?  Like, the reaction when Barry said "oh yeah, he's safe on my world"...?  Perhaps that is an imposter Jay, and this is the real Jay, and Caitlyn is due for some more heartbreak.  Perhaps this is Earth 2's Flash, and the guy who came through the breach is actually working with Zoom.

What's going on here has finally stopped boring me to tears, and that's such a vast improvement that I'm really pleased.  But, you know, that might be because part of me thinks maybe he's using Caitlyn to further his evil plot, which is WAY cooler than the potential that he's just got no game.

This moment, when Harrison Wells gets his baby girl back.  I have made no secret about the fact that I love Hardass, but even if I didn't love him, I still think this moment would be touching AF.

This moment, too, when Killer Frost proves that no matter which world you're in, Caitlyn Snow really isn't one to take shit from a man.

I'm pleased about so many things.  Hardass and Jesse are on the Earth One side of the breach, which bodes well for my second favorite character sticking around another season.  I'm already dreaming of the banter he and Cisco will get up.  And did anyone notice that look between Cisco and Jesse?  No?  Maybe it's just me.  But all I'm saying is, it's not every day you meet a cutie that's as smart as you.  This may be a lucky day for both of them.

Mostly, though, I'm just pleased that this was a really solid episode.  I'd like to give a hearty thanks to the writers of Flash.  Way to finally hit your stride.

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