Friday, November 20, 2015

Arrow 2x7: My Brother From a Greener Mother

Here's a thought for the writers of Arrow:  We already know Ollie makes it back to Starling City.  You can show us a flashback of a man holding a gun to his head as MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT, and we will never care. 

 I know that when *I* am trying to take down bad guys with big scary guns, my favorite thing to do is ride in on a noisy motorcycle and park AS FAR FROM COVER AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE!

Oh... it hurts me, on a visceral level, to watch a pile of money burn.

Yes!!! Tater tot, cheeto, and french fry.  Branch out into sweet things!  Call him a donut hole, next!

I assume "Alex has a way of making this interesting" means election strategy is his version of pillow talk.  Which is super weird.  I mean, for serious.  Can you think of anything LESS arousing?


Oh, right.  Me.

Wow, John has a real unforgiving streak, doesn't he? 

Oh, Felicity, thank you.  Thank you for existing.  Thank you for uttering double entendres with the same facility and thoughtlessness with which you breathe.  You bring me joy.

No... No... NO!  SERIOUSLY!!!  In the SAME PARAGRAPH you're going to say "Dark doesn't trust me" and then pass on a piece of information that was CLEARLY BAIT??  WHY?  WHHHHYYYYYY ARE YOU ALL SO DUMB?!

Thea, we don't tell the civvies about the inner secrets of the Quiver, even in round about ways.  This isn't Flash, where we tell literally everyone EXCEPT our lady friends.

Personally, I am okay with Thea beating the hell out of that guy.  Anyone who says "you look like the kinda girl where no means yes" totally deserves it.

Uh, out of all the things we're seen on this show, being whipped is just sort of meh.  I mean, painful, sure, but that guy is begging like Ollie is about to cut his leg off or something.

Oh look.  That went badly.  What a surprise.  I think I'm gonna have a heart attack and DIE, FROM NOT SURPRISE.

HAH!  Prediction.  The magic lenses that let them see through fabric will cause Thea to find out that her new boyfriend is a ghost. 

I mean, look at him.  He's clearly evil.

Awwww... that's nice.  His green brother.  I mean, there are several ways that could have been so much more eloquent, but it's sweet nonetheless.  Of course, it does evoke images of aliens.  Or munchkins. 

So, of course, now, every time we talk about Oliver's campaign, I'm going to have to start singing "As Mayor of the Munchkin City, in the county of the Land of Oz..."

Well of COURSE the file it true!  It's just not all there is to the truth.  Geez, John.  YOU HAVE TO THINK LIKE A CHARACTER IN A SHOW WHOSE DRAMA IS DRIVEN ENTIRELY BY ARTIFICIALLY CREATED TENSION!!!!  Damn, man.

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