Friday, November 20, 2015

Jessica Jones, A love letter

Dear Netflix,

I wanted to let you know, from the bottom of my heart, how much I appreciate what you've done with Jessica Jones.

Now--full disclosure--you hired David Tennant to play the villain, so basically I was already prepared to love your show, even if that was the only redeeming feature.

But it's not!  And I'm so glad.  After the bubbly, insipid, "chick light" treatment some other notable female heroes have been getting, it's like a balm for my wounded soul to see how you're treating the wounded soul of Jessica Jones.

Thank you for giving her pride, but not making her stupid about it.

Thank you for making her pain real, not a passing twinge that can be solved in 40 minutes and a few kind words from a love interest.

Thank you for not apologizing for her sexuality, or drinking, or general angry attitude. 

Thank you for not feeling the need to explain why we should still like her anyway.

Thank you, in short, for giving me a heroine that I can imagine rising from the mat--bruised and hurting--to wipe the blood smear from the corner of her mouth, and then kick some serious ass.

It's about damn time.

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