Saturday, November 14, 2015

Arrow 4x05

Oh my, god my god:  Your own personal Chappaquiddick--
What, you mean like that game from Harry Potter?
I about fucking died.
I bet one of the writer's actually asked that, and it made its way into the show.  It's too damn funny to have been written on purpose by the actual show writers. 
Dear Thea.  If you are going to be a member of a vigilante justice team, you have to answer the mother fucking phone.
Oh, I kinda like Laurel's "fuck you, Oliver, you aren't the god king just cause the show is named after you" speech
Lol.  Constantine just said he was on the side of the angels.  Lol.
That girl is just breaking windows all over the city, isn't she?
So, fan theory (I haven't finished the episode yet) Sarah is going to end up being rabid all season, but in the end she'll be pointed at Damien Dark like a bazooka and take him out in a mutually assured destruction cage match.  This will, of course, be AFTER basically everyone cozies up to Dark in an attempt to get him to use his mystical powers to get her soul back.
Snerk.  I plan on using the phrase "You waiting around for a cupcake or something?" exhaustively.  You have been warned.
Oh, lame.  Constantine is getting her soul back?  Eh.  Total wasted opportunity on the part of the writers.  It would have been so much more intriguing to have them try to manipulate it out of Dark.
Nope.  Nope.  Oliver shouldn't be all Arrow in his mind.  He should be wearing a suit and have long hair and carry a bow.  And Laurel should be in a "Black Canary" Halloween costume.  And Constantine should look just the same.
LAAAAAME.  Lame, lame, lame.  Also, isn't she still gonna want to kill Thea?  Also, you know, side note, they could have made a whole episode out of going to the other world to get her soul.  It could have been deep, and relevatory, and shown the dark subconscious of how each of them sees themselves and each other.  It could have given a more emotional and heartfelt resolution to the issues between Oliver and Laurel, as well as opening up new futures. IT COULD HAVE BEEN FUCKING EPIC.
Goddamn, I hate the writers on this show. 
But not as much as I hate the writers of Supergirl.
That is a picture of an actor I have seen before.  That leads me to believe that John's brother is not actually dead, but rather joined Hive, and they staged his death. 
Oh god.  I love boy Felicity.  His exuberance almost makes up for LITERALLY THE ENTIRE REST OF THE SHOW.
Of course he's alive.  Oliver got his old girlfriend back, now you need your old boyfriend back to stir up trouble.  GEEZ Felicity, don't you know how plot devices work?

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